Friday, October 10, 2008

pull my strings just for a thrill.

hahaha this was as close as i could get ;D
obviously cannot beat that supercute baby on your wall.

you know how you're my taklayan punyer kaki and you so need me because without me you'll never eat right haha. sounds like you're having this eating disorder.

you talking to me on msn now la how to blogg?!

anywayagain, thankyou for icecream today after you made me cry LOL.
so not fun all this stupid arguements.

but then, so much better than coldshoulder stuff. so not my thing yo!

and since, i like promised this bloginyourblog thing since forver i'm finally doing it right but srsly i was HONESTLY waiting for that picture haahaa.

i find it amusing becausee. it's in YOUR room.
YOU - the most negative person under the sun :D

i'm not supposed to be trashing you in YOUR blog right? (:

rememeber shaun, SMILEYSSSS :) =) ;) =D ;D